
From the " THE LOESEL GAZETTE " déc.1995

" Cannelle & the Seven Dwarfs " Hi, my name's Cannelle, born in June 95, in Molleges. I am both angelical and diabolical! In our family, there was already  Penny, she's real old (6years!)- like a black pudding, a bit of a mixture of Fox Terrier, sausage dog and brush ! She's always too tired to play with me.But she's ever so nice. However, I hate garden gnomes! My " patronne"  put seven in her flower beds ; I pulverised them all despite their metal stands ! You need to keep fit !
Here's my last exploit : I dug up the phone line and chewed through it ; Valérie was furious 'cos she can't live without the phone, and ... I almost got a spanking !
When I go too far and my "patrons" are about to crack, I look at them in a sad way, and they forgive me. Classy !
I also like, among other things, shoes ( never pairs, always one of each ), chewing up laces, jumping on beds when "they" have forgotten to shut doors, and especially digging up plants and flowers.For example, it only took me a minute to dig out a whole row of gladio ! I love water, except the swimming pool- I fell in twice. I prefer running through irrigation ditches and puddles, and playing in hose-pipe water.
It's a dog's life !

JANUARY 1997 : I've just met  FAROUK ! He lives at Eyragues ; he's a  Golden Retriever , a real pedigreee. We got on like a house on fire (!)

  a month later ...

8th March 97 : I've just had 7 puppies, 6 females and a male. They're gorgeous and are all well. Thy've got long hairs, they'll be Golden Retrievers like their Dad. One of them ( Isis) , will live with Florence and Stephane. So I'll see her often. The others will go to other homes. C'est la vie ( de chien) !

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