I caught this virus at the end of the 50's. With a childhood friend, Armand , we used to try out all kinds of devices and D-I-Y  ideas ! We lacked means, both financial and physical, so we recycled a lot of components.
The first radios we built were germanium ( nothing to do with the Germans !)receivers. The time of the "galène taillée" was over  ! These receivers only needed the energy from the antenna : a 30 ft long wire . No batteries, they worked night and day( on headphones) , but it was difficult to take them out with us, for a walk ! But we were happy. (We still are ; not living in the same region, Internet is our link).One of the important films of that time : " Si tous les gars du monde" plunged us into a world of Radio-Amateurs, and we dreamed a lot about it .... I was able to fulfill this dream a few years later, by becoming a Radio Ham, and I hope my friend Armand -who works in electronics- will soon be able to join the family ...
The 70's were High Tech years. I really got into this domain, building, fitting-out for our home, for friends, stereo equipment, loud speakers and all kinds of devices. Ten years later, domestic video arrived, at about the same time as I became a Radio Ham. This wonderful technical progression that has been happening since the end of the war, only leaves me with one regret : if only society had evolved in the same way ...
One can dream ...

BACK : Freddy